Bitcoin Crypto Book Hits Top Ten

C.E. Wheeler
2 min readOct 19, 2021


My cryptocurrency book — the Tao of Crypto broke into the Top Ten and is NUMBER 8 today on Amazon in the Online Trading category!!!

Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency are the hottest investment topics worldwide. Read the Tao of Crypto and discover the hidden code within cryptocurrency. Learn how to use the ancient wisdom of Taoism to increase overall financial success.


Harness the energy of an ancient divination code embedded within the digital world. Enhance your future.
The essence of this code cultivates the flowing dynamism of the ubiquitous, primordial Way of the universe — the Tao. Countless cryptographic architectures incorporate the unifying energy of the Tao into their decentralized structure. Understand this and increase opportunities for success.
In nanoseconds, trillions of lines of code compile into crests and troughs upon vast digital seas. The interlinked actions of billions ebbs and flows twenty-four hours a day driving the global economy before it in great data-waves. Millions of dollars per second course through thousands of geographically disperse channels like great energetic arteries generating hundreds of diverse crypto descendants from the fruitful near future. Individual participants’ binary choices within the pulsating global mind summon the dual complementary forces which bring forth the One — the it within every it — The Tao of Crypto.

Section One focuses on the connections between ancient teachings and today’s crypto-sphere. The section introduces several metaphysical concepts in order to reinforce the mystical connection between individuals’ actions and autonomous digital systems. Included in the section is a condensed crypto version of the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) which deepens the mystical interconnections from the decentralized world to the Tao source code.

Section Two contains a divination method for using the ancient energy of the I Ching in the 21st Century Crypto world. The section includes modern day interpretations of the 64 Hexagrams to aid readers in their crypto trading decision making process. Change is a constant. By gaining an insight into the present and near future changes can potentially aid a person in making better choices along the Way.

Section Three is a Crypto Lexicon. It is intended to be a general introduction to the ever-expanding terminology of the day.

The human mind has the power to shape reality.Wheeler



C.E. Wheeler
C.E. Wheeler

Written by C.E. Wheeler

Writer, Artist. Manifests Positivity. Neotranscendentalist. Spiritual nature. Taoism enthusiast. Editor & Univ. Lecturer in China 12 yrs. Https://

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