On a Perpetual Journey

C.E. Wheeler
3 min readDec 19, 2021

I tramp a perpetual journey.Walt Whitman

The pulse of change throbs away within the journey of the human spirit. Occasionally, a subtle shift in the ethereal breeze triggers primitive instincts. Intangible forces raise the hairs on the back of the neck and stipple the forearms with goosebumps. Ancient longings squeeze the skull and frizzle the focus — thus provoking the will. An irresistible urge takes hold. Anxious feet astraddle inertia and initiative step towards the alluring horizon. The perpetual journey continues.

The creative act is a letting down of the net of human imagination into the ocean of chaos on which we are suspended, and the attempt to bring out of it ideas.Terance McKenna

Once a famous guru was asked about divine intervention. The guru answered, “You must take sincere action. You must do something positive. This will call to the divine. The divine will answer.” In this way, affirmative energy generates the path. Once underway, the human imagination’s eternal flame will cast about the inky boundary seeking passage to fate’s luxuriant mysteries. The future forms from this fertile abundance. Find comfort in the journey.

Life is growth — a widening of one’s world. We — my cousins — carry a myriad of adaptations brought forward out of the rich legacy of our shared humanity. Over countless eons, our ancestors’ footprints have been left along far flung paths across mountains and deserts. The sustenance which has sustained thousands of generations has grown from the life-giving soil around a myriad of places once called home. The echoes of these homes beat out a cadence in our bones urging us onward. Thrill to the rhythm of the journey through the soles of your striding feet.

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is homeMatsuo Basho

To live fully, you have to be willing to change. In order to create the future you want to live in, you must move forward. Once the journey starts, the sweet ambrosia of life will energize the spirit. Each day can lift the heart with a happy buoyancy. Set forth upon uncertain seas and sands in search of new lands. As the sun rises and sets, your life-journey renews each day.

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. — Ernest Hemingway

When we are young, a day lasts forever. As we age, the days crowd together until a week passes in what was once a day. With the grains of time running out, days appear but a hundred-score heartbeats long. But life’s endnote marks the end of but one journey and the beginning of the journey everlasting. I wish you peace on your journey.



C.E. Wheeler

Writer, Artist. Manifests Positivity. Neotranscendentalist. Spiritual nature. Taoism enthusiast. Editor & Univ. Lecturer in China 12 yrs. Https://cewheeler.art